
Parents should advise the school if their child has any serious medical conditions and/ or allergies. A Health Care Management plan is required for conditions that require an urgent response. The health plans must be updated annually. Medication is stored in the front office unless there are other arrangements made with the class teacher.


School assemblies are held fortnightly on Fridays from 9.00 to 9.45am on odd weeks of the school term. Special assemblies are sometimes held at the end of term or on open days. Families are most welcome.


Regular attendance supports learning and friendships. Please notify the school in the morning when your child is absent via calling the school or send an email to before 9:30am. If your child is late you will need to sign them in at the office. Please also sign your child out if you are going to take them from school early for any reason.

Behaviour Management

The Respectful Behaviour Code is outlined in the Policies section of the website.

Bell Times

beginning of the school day  8.50am 
beginning of recess 11.00am
end of recess 11.20am
beginning of lunch 12.50pm
beginning lunch time play 1.00pm
end of lunch 1.40pm
end of the school day 3.10pm


In the interest of everyone’s safety students are asked to wheel their bikes in the school grounds.  Bicycle racks are available behind the front building.


Collecting Children Early

Parents collecting children early or taking children out for any appointments etc. must notify the teacher or call the school office. All children must be signed in and out at the Front Office. All children must be accounted for whilst moving in and out of the school.


To ensure students are safe at school it is important the school Principal is advised of any custody orders or other issues. Documents pertaining to custody orders must be sighted by the Principal.

Dental Care

Glen Osmond Primary School students are eligible for dental care at the Linden Park Dental Clinic.

 Please phone for an appointment PH: 8379 8707.  

Early dismissal

Students are dismissed at 2.10pm on the last day of each school term. Parents are reminded via the bulletin through the SeeSaw app.

Enrolling at Glen Osmond Primary School

Due to increasing demand on places at our school we accept enrolments from those families who reside within our zone. Information about school zones in our area can be found at eastern-adelaide-primary-school-zones

You must be able to provide documentation proving your residential address:

  • If you own your home, a copy of the contract of sale for the property or a recent council rates notice, AND recent a gas or electricity bill for that property.
  • If you rent a home, a rental agreement AND a bond receipt lodged with Consumer and Business Services showing the current place of residence – the rental agreement should cover at least the first 12 months the child will be attending the school, AND a recent gas or electricity bill for that property.
  • Renting a room or rooms at a property for your child, does not constitute a primary place of residence. Families must rent an entire property in order for it to be their primary place of residence.

The principal is responsible for determining whether proof of residence has been satisfied and may use professional judgment in circumstances where families are not able to meet these requirements.

It is the responsibility of the parents to verify that the information provided is true and factual.

Upon receipt of evidence to the satisfaction of the school, the processing of the enrolment application may be finalised

Governing Council

Parents are invited to nominate for Governing Council at the Annual General Meeting and/ or join one of the council sub-committees: Education & Communication, Sport, Fundraising, OSHC Advisory, Grants, Reconciliation Action Plan, Finance and Grounds & Facilities.


Parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns they have regarding their child’s education with the class teacher.  The school’s Grievance Policy describes steps parents, students and staff should take to resolve grievances. For a further guide to raising concerns go to: Feedback and complaints about a school or preschool (


Students and staff are required to wear hats in line with our SunSmart policy. Hats must be legionnaire style, broad brimmed or bucket style in the school colours and must not have cords attached.  They are available from the Uniform Shop in the Office.

Hot and Wet Weather Guideline

As all classrooms are heated in the winter and cooled in the summer consequently the weather does not generally affect our school activities. In cases of extreme heat (36 degrees or above) or wet weather students are supervised indoors during lunch and play periods and physical education lessons are modified and conducted in the gymnasium.

Library and Resource Centre

The Library has an extensive range of books and materials available for borrowing.

Open Times:

  • After school: 3.10pm – 3.30pm

Lost Property

All unlabelled lost clothing is stored in the lost property box outside of the library in the undercover area behind the main building.  Please label all children’s clothing and other belongings with their names.

Instrumental Music Lessons

Private music lessons are available for students during school times. Availability of places and payment is organised by the music instructors.  We offer piano, guitar, ukulele, violin, flute and clarinet. Further information and contact details for our instructors is available from the office.

Lunch Orders

A wide variety of healthy hot and cold lunches can be ordered online through Linden Park Friendly Grocer which is accessed via the Qkr! App. Lunches are made off-site and delivered to our school. You will need to have your credit card handy to place an order.

Materials and Services Charge (School Fees)

School fees are set each year by the School Governing Council based on the recommendations of the Finance Committee.  Parents are asked to pay school fees by the end of the fourth week of first term.  Children who commence in later terms are asked to pay their fees by the end of the fourth week of that term.  Payment in installments can be organised with the Finance Officer.


The Sway Newsletter comes out every 3 weeks via SeeSaw (weeks 3, 6 and 9)

Office Hours

The school office is open between 8.30am and 4.00pm each school day. The telephone number is 8379 0500.

Payments can be made at the Office by cash, MasterCard or VisaCard. Other options include:

  • Online payment via the website
  • Telephone/mail credit card payments
  • Students can make payments in to the office

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

The school has an Out of School Hours Care program that is available on a regular or occasional basis from 7.00 am to 8.30 am each morning and from 3.10pm to 6.00pm in the evening in the Coach House.

Bookings can be made directly with the OSHC Director 0411 138 748.


Parents are not to use the staff car park. Be aware that there are No Standing zones surrounding the school that operate before 9.00AM and after 3.00PM. Parking fines apply.

School Card

The School Card Scheme is administered by the Education Department and provides financial assistance towards the cost of school fees for eligible families. All queries about School Card should be directed to staff in the Office.

To apply for school card click on this link.


The school hosts a range of in school and outside of school hours sports. Weekend sports run by parent volunteers currently include: soccer, cricket, football, netball, softball and basketball.

Term Dates

The South Australian Department of Education & Child Development maintains a table of school term dates for the current and upcoming year here: 


Parents may use the adult toilets located on the northern side of the Upper Primary building. There are separate toilets for Upper and Junior Primary students.


Prior to commencing reception at Glen Osmond, pre-school and kindergarten students are invited to attend our transition program. During the visits children spend time at the school in classrooms and in the school yard. Parents are also invited to meet key staff in the school. Details of these visits are available at the Office.

Visitors to the School

All visitors to the school must sign in via the iPad in the front office please also collect and wear an identifying badge. This does not include parents picking up and dropping off children. 


Volunteers are welcome at our school. Children love to see their parents and extended family involved in their school. You can help by assisting with:

  • Governing Council and/ or sub-committee representative
  • classroom support
  • assisting in specialist programs e.g. music
  • co-ordinating and/or coaching after school sport
  • Kitchen Garden

If you would like to volunteer you must have a Working with Children Clearance and complete the mandatory training; Responding and Reporting Harm and Neglect (RRHAN – EC)